Journalism is a fundamental part of society, not only in the U.S. but all over the world. It is important for citizens to understand various parts of journalistic work, and how to understand what journalists are trying to say. Journalism plays a role in numerous aspects of life such as politics, news, fashion, science, and many more areas. It is important in all career paths to have an understanding of journalism.
I am a Biology major, so some may ask: Why take a journalism course? To answer this question, the scientific field has a tremendous connection with the world of journalism. In science-based learning and careers, it is important to know how to interpret scientific articles or news written by journalists. Following my undergraduate studies, I plan to attend a Physician Assistant Program. Comprehending or understanding journalistic work will play a key role in remaining up to date on medical or scientific news.
Journalism is not only important for one's understanding of articles or news in their own career paths. Journalism has a significant impact on everyday life globally. I feel that it is important to be able to interpret journalistic works that pertain to governmental news or politics. It is fundamental to stay up to date on issues occurring every day regarding the U.S. Some journals or articles could be difficult to interpret, so having some background knowledge in journalism should help to understand the items I read. This brings us to the key question, "Why take a course in Journalism?', and specifically the course "Never Stay Silent". I feel that learning the history of journalism, how to interpret key issues that are occurring in the U.S., and how to express those issues personally will be helpful in understanding the truth or meaning in events that occur in government or politics. I am interested to learn how to decipher news from opinion or propaganda. Currently, in the U.S., there is constantly talk about "fake news", and it is sometimes difficult to know what the real truth or news is. I am excited about this course, and can't wait to learn and expand my knowledge in understanding journalism!